
发布时间:2007-12-27 文字大小:  打印:打印此文



开车从orange county走的,到了边境,不知道怎么错过了“last us exit",差点出美国了。所幸由u-turn在边境线上,所以又转了回来,take the first exit and pass the bridge, turn left, you will see

"last us exit" again. Turn left at the traffic light and there are lots of parking lots.Just picked the first one and walked through the 4-level building. After entering Mexico, a guy walked up and I told him I needed a taxi. When I tried to explain to him that I needed to go the bank and he said you wanted to get Visa. I was happy when I heard that because he knew it.

You could just tell him that you come for visa.

Then the taxi driver said he would wait for me outside the bank. My appointment was 10:00am and I went to the bank at 9:15. Paid the money and come out. Then the taxi brought me to the embassy. Around 30 people waiting outside. A guy came to check DS-156。

接下来,到一个窗口,检查ds-156,passport和receipt from the bank.(所有的电子产品都不可以,指甲刀也不可以),可以到旁边的小餐馆去存包,$3,然后进去,看到好多人坐在那等,本来也要过去,结果一个officer过来问我什么签证,我说我说h1b,然后就直接进去了,照相,取指纹,然后又一个专门给h1b,f1(那天好像没有f1)的窗口.有5个印度人,1个韩国或日本的mm,还有两队couple,好像也是印度,不知道他们拿到了没有,到我的时候,那个officer 超级nice,我递上了ds-156, passport and I-797,她知道我们公司,就问我是不是她想的那个公司,然后就要了i-129,(还顺手把我以前的visa 盖了cancel章. 看公司的简介,一直看电脑,问我是不是做激光的,然后问我从中国哪来,我说北方,她说他妹妹在南京教英语,她也很想去中国,但她马上要生bb,所以去不了,然后给我解释签证有效期只是3个月,我说知道,然后就让下午3点去签证,出来的时候才10:30。


过关就顺着队伍走,officer居然让我去special case,我说我没有听说过h1b要过那,她就让我去前面的一个officer那,进去一个屋子然后出来说我以后要带着我的i797,就出关了。


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