2010年2月20日雅思口语真题范例Part 1

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Part 1

  Topic: Music

  Question: Have you ever played any musical instrument?

  Model Response: Yes, when I was a sophomore, I took a guitar course offered on campus – you know, that’s what many male students do to impress the girls. But I soon gave up playing the guitar because it would take too much of my personal time practicing it.

  Topic: Arts

  Question: What is your favorite art, such as painting, sculpture and literature?

  Model Response: Well, I think I am more into literature than other art forms because my parents fostered my interest in literature by reading me many wonderful stories before bedtime. In comparison, they rarely took me to a museum or gallery, so I guess I haven’t acquired a taste for paintings or sculptures.

  Topic: Communication

  Question: How often do you usually send or receive emails?

  Model Response: About emails, I have this habit of checking my hotmail and work emails every day. But the majority of them are junk mails that are to be deleted. And I don’t often send emails to others unless it is extremely important. I have the convenient alternative of sending them short messages or documents over MSN or other online chatting devices.

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