阿伯泰邓迪大学University Of Abertay Dundee

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阿伯泰邓迪大学 University Of Abertay Dundee创建于1881年,目前大学其有近万名全日制学生,其中大多数是英国学生。邓迪大学从生命科学领域到设计领域在国际上都久享盛誉。大学的理工学院开设有解剖学、计算机应用、生化生物医学研究等十多个专业。法律与会计学院在英国享有较高声誉。人文与社会科学院在英国均受到广泛好评并得到世界各国的认可。邓迪大学毕业生就业率较稳定。其毕业生就业率排名英国第十。邓迪大学是苏格兰大学中课程设置最多的一所,学生入读费及生活费用较低,在英国百所大学是最具有竞争力。大学拥有最现代化的教学设施。图书馆平均花在每位学生的费用在英国排名第十。学校为学生提供接机、住宿、咨询、顾问、就业、注册等广泛服务。

1999年The Times评估等级:评估总分第32名,教学质量第15名,科研质量第23名,入学标准第23名,师生比例第9名,图书电脑经费第15名,设备经费第10名,获荣誉学位的学生比例第17名,毕业去向第5名

1999年Sunday Times评估等级:第47名

2000年The Times评估等级:评估总分第42名

2000年Financial Times评估等级:第39名(99年:第40名)


大学坐落于苏格兰的第四大城市邓迪市的市中心,地理位置十分理想。邓迪是一个大学城,依山傍海。去阿伯丁、爱丁堡和格拉斯哥只需一个多小时,到伦敦坐火车要 6 小时。院系相当紧凑,除医学和护理学院,其他系都在邓迪市郊的一座校园内。








Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 艺术和社会科学学院
Transatlantic, European and American Studies 大西洋彼岸、欧洲和美洲研究
MPhil American Studies 美洲研究
MPhil/Diploma Transatlantic Studies 大西洋彼岸的研究
MPhil in Early American History 早期美洲历史
M.Phil in Politics and Policies in Contemporary Europe 当代政治与政策
Economic Studies 经济学研究
Diploma Economics or Financial Economics 金融经济
MSc International Business 国际商务
Diploma in arts and social sciences 艺术和社会科学文凭
English 英语
MA English 英语
Language Studies (Applied)应用英语学习
MA English for Professional Communication (EPC) 传播专业英语
Environmental Science 环境科学
MA Environmental Science and American Studies 环境科学与美洲研究
MA Environmental Science and Business Economics with Marketing 环境科学与商务经济
MA Environmental Science and Contemporary European Studies 环境科学与当代欧洲研究
MA Environmental Science and Economics 环境科学与经济学
MA Environmental Science and Financial Economics 环境科学和金融经济
MA Environmental Science and Geography 环境科学和地理学
MA Environmental Science and History 环境科学与历史
MA Environmental Science and Mathematics 环境科学与数学
MA Environmental Science and Politics 环境科学与政治
Geography 地理系
MSc/Diploma Applied Population Geography 应用人口地理
MSc/Diploma Geo-Environmental Engineering and Management (with Civil Engineering)
MSc/Diploma Geographies of Social Exclusion 自然地理
MSc/Diploma Managing Environmental Change (with University of St Andrews)环境变化管理
History 历史系
MPhil Cultural and Urban Histories 1650-1850 文化和城市历史
MPhil Early American History 早期美洲历史
MPhil Modern Slavic History 现代斯拉夫历史
Philosophy 哲学系
MPhil Continental Philosophy 欧洲哲学
Mphil Philosophy 哲学
MPhil Philosophy and the Arts 哲学与艺术
Politics 政治
MPhil/Diploma Politics and Policies in Contemporary Europe 当代欧洲政治与政策
Psychology 心理学
MSc Psychological/Applied Research Methods 心理学研究方法
Town & Regional Planning 城镇和区域规划
MSc/Diploma European Urban Conservation (EUC) 欧洲城市保护

Faculty of Duncan of Jordanstone College约旦斯通邓肯学院
Master of Architectural studies 建筑
Mdes Master of Design 设计学硕士
Fine Art
MLitt History and Practice of Photography (with University of St Andrews) 摄影历史和实践
MFA Master of Fine Art 美术硕士
Television & Imaging 电视与成像
MSc Animation and Visualization 动画与视图
MSc/Diploma Electronic Imaging 电子图像

Faculty of Education & Social Work 教育和社会工作学院
Education 教育学专业
MEd/Diploma Community Education 社区教育
Teaching Certificate Education (Primary)小学教师资格证
MEd Early Education 早期教育
MEd Educational Management 教育管理
MEd Educational Studies 教育研究
MEd Guidance and Pupil Support 指导与学生支持
MEd ICT and Learning
MEd Primary Education 小学教育
MEd Professional Development 职业发展
MEd Special Educational Needs 特殊教育需求
MPhil Educational Research 教育研究
MSc Child Protection Studies 儿童保护研究
MSc Advanced Professional Studies 高级职业研究
MSc Educational Psychology 教育心理学
MSc Health & Social Care 健康与社会关照
Social Work 社会工作
MSW/Diploma Social Work with DipSW 社会工作
MPhil/Diploma Women, Culture and Society 妇女、文化和社会

Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences 理工学院
Applied Computing 应用计算机
MSc/Diploma Applied Computing 计算机应用
Civil Engineering 土木工程
MSc/Diploma Civil Engineering 土木工程
MSc/Diploma Concrete Design and the Environment 混凝土设计与环境
MSc/Diploma Construction Enterprise Management 建筑企业管理
MSc/Diploma Geotechnical Engineering 地质技术工程
MSc/Diploma Structural Engineering 结构工程
Electronic Engineering & Physics 电子工程与物理
MSc/Diploma Electronic Circuit Design and Manufacture 电路设计与生产
MSc Display Technology, Systems and Applications 显像技术、系统和应用
MSc/Diploma Remote Sensing, Image Processing and Applications 遥感、成像处理和应用
Mathematics 数学
Diploma Mathematics 数学
MSc Mechanical Engineering 机械工程

Faculty of Law & Accountancy法律与会计学院
Accountancy & Business Finance 会计和商务金融
MAcc Accounting 会计
MAcc Accountancy and Finance 会计和金融
MRes Research in Accountancy and Finance 会计和金融研究
Energy, Petroleum & Mineral Law & Policy 能量、石油和矿物 法律和政策
MSc/Diploma Energy and the Environment 能量与环境
MSc/Diploma Energy Economics 能量经济
MSc/Diploma Energy Finance 能量金融
LLM/Diploma Energy Law and Policy 能量法律与政策
MSc/Diploma Energy Policy 能量政策
MSc/Diploma Energy Studies 能量研究
MSc/Diploma Energy Utility Management 能量利用管理
LLM/Diploma Environmental Law and Policy 环境保护法和政策
MSc/Diploma European Energy 欧洲能量
LLM/Diploma European Energy and Natural Resources Law and Policy
LLM/Diploma International Business Transactions 国际商务处理
MBA International Business Transactions 国际商务处理
MSc/Diploma International Oil and Gas Management 国际石油和天然气管理
LLM/Diploma International and Comparative Water Law and Policy 国际水资源法律政策
LLM/Diploma Mineral Law and Policy 矿物法规与政策
MBA Mineral Resources Management 矿物资源管理
MSc/Diploma Oil and Gas Economics 石油和天然气经济
MBA Oil and Gas Management石油和天然气管理
LLM/Diploma Petroleum Law and Policy 石油法律和政策
LLM/Diploma Petroleum Taxation and Finance 石油税务和金融
LLM/Diploma Resources Law and Policy 资源法律和政策
MBA Water Management 水资源管理
MSc/Diploma Water Studies 水利研究

Forensic Medicine法医药物
Master of Forensic Medicine 法医药物

Law 法律
LLM Corporate Governance 公司管理
LLM Environmental Regulation 环境规则
Diploma Legal Practice 法律实习

Faculty of Life Sciences 生命科学院

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing 药物、牙医和护理学院
School of Dentistry 牙科学院
MDSc Oral Medicine and Pathology 口腔用药和病理
MDSc Oral Surgery 口腔手术

School of Medicine 医学院
Masters/Diploma/Certificate Medical Education 药物教育
MSc Clinical and Public Health Nutrition 临床和公共健康营养
Master Orthopaedic Surgery (MChOrth) 整形外科手术
MSc/Diploma Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy 认知行为心理治疗
Master Minimal Access Surgery

Epidemiology and Public Health 流行病学和公共健康
Master/Diploma Environmental Health 环境卫生
Master/Diploma Public Health 公共卫生

General Practice
MSc Primary Care


Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 艺术和社会科学学院
American Studies
MA American Studies
MA American Studies with one language(French/German/ Spanish)
Contemporary European Studies
MA Contemporary European Studies

Economic Studies
MA Business Economics with Marketing
MA Economics
MA Financial Economics
MA Economics and Planning
Joint honors courses:
MA Business Economics with Marketing and American Studies
MA Business Economics with Marketing and Contemporary European Studies
MA Business Economics with Marketing and Geography
MA Business Economics with Marketing and History
MA Business Economics with Marketing and Mathematics
MA Business Economics with Marketing and Politics
MA Business Economics with Marketing and Psychology
MA Business Economics with Marketing with French/ German / Spanish
MA Economics and Contemporary European Studies
MA Economics and history
MA Economics and Politics
MA Economics with one language ( French / German / Spanish)
MA Financial Economics with French/ German / Spanish
BSc Economics
BSc Financial Economics
BSc Business Economics with Marketing
BSc Business Economics with Marketing and Operational
BSc Economics and Applied Computing
BSc Economics and Mathematics
BSc Economics with Statistics
BSc Financial Economics and Applied Computing
BSc Financial Economics and Mathematics
BSc Financial Economics with Statistics
BSc International Business

MA English
MA English with French/ German / Spanish
MA English and American Studies/ Contemporary European Studies/ History/ Mathematics/ Philosophy/ Politics/ Psychology

Environmental Science
MA Environmental Management
BSc Environmental Science
BSc Physics and Environmental Science
BSc Environmental Science and Geography
MSc Environmental Science and Geography

MA Geography
MA Geopolitics and International Relations
MA Geography and Planning
MA Geography and one language( French/ German /Spanish)
BSc Geography

MA History
MA Scottish Historical Studies
MA History and American Studies
MA History and Business Economics with Marketing
MA History and Contemporary European Studies
MA History and Economics
MA History and English
MA History and Geography
MA History and International Relations
MA History and Philosophy
MA History and Politics
MA History and Psychology
MA History with French/ German/ Spanish

MA Philosophy

Politics (joint honors courses was ignored)
MA Politics
MA International Relations and Politics
MA European Politics
MA Geopolitics and International Relations

MA Psychology
BSc Psychology

Town & Regional Planning
MA Town and Regional Planning
BSc Mathematics

Faculty of Duncan of Jordanstone College约旦斯通邓肯学院
BSc/Barch Architecture

BA/Bdes Art and Design
Bdes(honors) Graphic design
Bdes(honors) Jewellery and Metal Design
Bdes(honors) Textile Design
Bdes(honors) Interior and Environmental design
BSc (honors) Interactive Media Design
BSc(honors) Innovative Productive Design

Fine Art
BA(honors) Fine art[ Drawing、Printmaking、 Sculpture]
BA(honors) Art, Philosophy, Contemporary Practices

Management & Consumer Studies

Television & Imaging
BA(hons) Animation and Electronic Media
BA (hons) Illustration
BA(hons) Time Based Art

Faculty of Education & Social Work 教育和社会工作学院
BA in Community Education
BA Education
BA Professional Development (Early Childhood)
BED Primary Education
BA Social Work

Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences 理工学院
Applied Computing
BSc Applied Computing
BEng Electronics and Computing
BEng Electronics and Computing (Communications Engineering)
BEng Electronics and Computing (Network Technology)
BEng Electronics and Computing (Satellite Electronic Systems)
BEng Electronics and Computing (Vision and Virtual Reality )
BSc E-Commerce Computing
BSc(Hons) Interactive Media Design

Civil Engineering 土木工程
BEng Civil Engineering
BEng Civil Engineering and Management

MSci Materials Science(with a year in industry)

BSc Mathematics
BSc Mathematical Biology
BSc Mathematics with Statistics

BSc Applied Physics
BSc Physics
Msc Physics
Beng Electronic Engineering and Physics

Faculty of Law & Accountancy 法律和会计学院
Accountancy & Business Finance
BAcc Accountancy
BAcc Accountancy with Business Finance
BAcc Accountancy with Managment and Information Systems
BAcc Accountancy with Language
BAcc Accountancy (3 year course without Honours)
BFin Finance

Energy, Petroleum & Mineral Law & Policy
Forensic Medicine
LLB Forensic Medicine
LLB Forensic Science

LLB English Law
LLB Scots Law

Faculty of Life Sciences 生命科学院
Anatomical Sciences
BSc Anatomical Sciences
BSc Anatomical Sciences and Physiological Sciences
BSc Human Biology

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics
BSc Biochemistry
BSc Biochemistry and Pharmacology
BSc Biochemistry and Physiological Sciences
BSc Molecular Biology
BSc Molecular Genetics

Biology, Microbiology and Zoology
BSc Applied and Environmental Biology
BSc Biology
BSc Microbiology
BSc Zoology

Chemistry – Pharmaceutical
BSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry (with a year in industry)

Forensic Anthropology
BSc Forensic Anthropology

BSc Pharmacology
BSc Pharmacology and Biochemistry
BSc Pharmacology and Physiological Sciences

Physiological Sciences
BSc Physiological Sciences
BSc Physiological Sciences and Anatomical Sciences
BSc Physiological Sciences and Biochemistry
BSc Physiological Sciences and Pharmacology
BSc Physiology with Sports Biomedicine

Sports Biomedicine
BSc Sports Biomedicine

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing医学、牙医与护理学院
School of Dentistry
BDS Dentistry

School of Medicine
MBChB Medicine

School of Nursing & Midwifery 护理和产科学
Bachelor in Adult Nursing 成人护理
Bachelor in Child Nursing 儿童护理
Bachelor in Learning Disabilities Nursing 残障护理
Bachelor in Mental Health Nursing 精神卫生护理
Bachelor of Midwifery 助产科学


官方网址: http://www.abertay.ac.uk/

电话:44(0)13 82308000邮编: DD1 1HG

地址: University of Abertay Dundee


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