
发布时间:2008-2-19 文字大小:  打印:打印此文

美国F-1到德国开会签证(late May)注意事项感谢分享经验的其他朋友,祝你签证顺利,祝我找工作顺利

1.持有效美国签证 (申请时护照有效期六个月)
2.我在Los Angeles 邮寄申请, 我打电话骚扰无数次,人很nice,
3. 我按要求准备所有材料,comments after each requirement.
- fully completed application form (only German and English versions accepted) and required declaration
- two passport photographs (strict requirements, see details):**I modify a little bit using US visa photo and Chinese passport photo

- valid national passport and one copy
- original valid US alien registration card or valid US resident visa (type
A, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, O, R) and one copy**唯一的疏忽是: 我忘了附上签证的复印件,最后他们也没找我麻烦

- your current bank statement (I don't have a bank account / My friends in
Germany pay for my visit) and one copy
我问银行要了一封信,有开户日期,三月平均和一年平均balance的信息。也许一般的-your current bank statement也就够了,总之,拿出准备美国签证的认真去拿生根就觉得容易。

- confirmation letter from your health insurance stating coverage with a minimum of 37.500.- US-$ for trips outside the US (Why do I need health insurance?) and one copy
**我用的是travel insurance, 将我的policy 打印出来,特别highlight 了在美国境外的相应条款和保险金额

- business references (letter from your US employer, invitation from German company or organization, stating that it will bear all accumulating expenses) (I'm self-employed and run my own business)
**老板的stipend 支持信,会议的邀请信 (电子版打印出来),会议的stipend通知

- proof of hotel reservation and airline reservation and one copy**大家都很忙,按照会议的日程fake hotel 和 airline, 拿到签证再说,聪明吧? I was so wrong 此属商业签证,跟美国的F-1时不同的,同学们啊,想在会议完了在欧洲走走没问题。签证会比你呈交的计划早一天,晚两天(我老板的情况, 中国+绿卡)- 一星期 (我的情况,穷学生)。 我用会议的hotel 和days inn (after conference)分别定的hotel (check 他们的cancellation policy, 要记得cancel before any penalty, e.g. cancellation deadline for conference organized hotel is 15 days before
conference start, days in is 2 weeks before arrival time too. 所以一定要早早早。 最终住 hostel 的可能性很大,有没有除柏林外的欧洲其他地方的朋友愿意招呼一下啊,我们还没定去那里玩), 机票是真的.

- visa fees
$80 + $20 (web $15, I called then they told me that is updated to $20, bad!,
 total $100 money order), they want you to mail in application.

Apr.9 out via priority (4.05 + $0.5 delivery confirmation), Apr 11 arrive, (
Wednesday), Apr 16 (Monday) issued visa, Apr 17 9AM out from LA, overnight
Fedex Apr18 morning ~10AM reach me, actually only take them 4 business days to handle.

还没想好在德国以及欧洲怎么玩,会议后有大约十天时间 正在研究lonely planet Germany and Europe


  • 上一篇文章:
  • 《美国F1去德国换新护照的问题(德国签证,终结篇)》的相关文章