








最近怎么样?How are you doing?What are you doing recently?

姓名/年龄/年级:What’s your name?How old are you?Which grade are you in?

介绍自己的家庭情况:What do your parents do? Do you have sisters or brothers?

介绍自己的家乡: Where are you from?Where is your hometown?Anything special in your memory?

介绍父母:What do your parents do?



自己的学校:Tell me something about your school.

课程和喜好:What courses are you studying now? What is your favorite subject? Why?

学术挑战:Which courses have been the most difficult or most challenging for you? What have you done to overcome these difficulties? What have you learned through this experience?

对学校的评价:Do you like your current school? Why?

对老师的评价:Who is your favorite teacher? Why?

自我评价学术能力:How do you appraise your academic ability?

在校时间管理:How would you spend a day at school?

家庭作业:How long does it take to finish your homework everyday?

英语学习:When did you begin studying English? How did you learn English?

优秀的学生:What makes you a great student?

学校旅行:Give me an example of the most interesting field trip that you have been on with your school? Please describe one special field trip.


喜欢做什么?What’s your hobby? What do you like to do after school/in your weekends?

喜欢的运动?Do you like sports?What sports do you like to play?

课外活动调查:Did you join any extracurricular activities?

贡献和成就:What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?

喜欢的书籍电影:What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?

暑假怎么过的:How did you spend your summer holiday?

空余时间:How do you spend your free time? What do you do for fun?

享受的事情:What makes you happy?

旅行:Do you like travelling?Where have you been travel to?

玩游戏:How often do you watch TV or play computer games?


自我调节经验:What bothers you?What makes you unhappy and what will you do to be better?What will you do when feel depressed?

他人影响:What person has most influenced you in your life?

他人评价:How do your teachers and friends describe you?

自我评价:What makes you unique as a person?

面对挫折和失败:Tell us about a time that you were challenged and did not meet your goal. How did you respond to it, and what did you learn from it? Describe a problem that you have solved.

难忘的经历:Please tell me about amemorable past school experience (positive or negative).

成就感:Please describe one experience that makes you feel proud.

座右铭:What is your personal motto?

父母关系:Have you ever fight against your parents


为什么选择出国?Why do you choose to go abroad to study?  

为什么选择美国?How do you and your parents choose US school?

为什么选择我校?Why do you choose to apply for our school? How did you first know about our school?

申请学校:How many schools did you apply? What other schools are you considering?

出国经验:Have you ever been abroad before?Have you ever traveled alone?

你眼中的美高:How would you describe American high school?

你还申请了其他哪些学校?What other schools have you applied?

为出国留学做了哪些准备:How did you prepare for studying in the USA?

语言考试准备:Did you take any language tests? What is your score?

面对留学可能出现的难题:What would be the most difficult thing do you think and how would you solve it?

除了学术外,你还期待到美国能学到什么或者经历什么?What are you looking forward to about going to the U.S., other than your academics?

你有亲戚在美国吗?都有哪些亲 戚?在美国什么地方?Do you have relatives in USA?  Who?  Where?


学校性质相关:Do you have any religion preference?Why do you choose a Christian school?Why do you choose a all-boy/all-girl school?

住校相关:Have you ever lived on campus before? How do you think of living on campus? What kind of roommates do you prefer?

住家相关:How do you think of living with an American host family? Do you like pets?

家务习惯:Do you help with housework? Do you like cooking?

宗教有关:What is your religion background?Describe how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Savior. Discuss how christ impacts your life.


赴美读书你最想念什么?What will you miss most if you come to America to study?

你未来的学习计划:What’s your future study plan?

未来的专业或大学目标:What major or university do you plan to go for?

未来的工作目标:What is your future career goal?


总结个人优势:Why should we accept you? What can you bring to our school?

现场随机命题小作文:Please write a short essay about XXX.

邀请父母面试:Please invite your parents to join our talk.

社会热点话题:Let’s talk about a topic you concerned about recently.

特别的礼物:What is the most special gift you have ever got? If you decide to give your friend a birthday gift, will you make it yourself or buy one from the shop?

时光机器:If you have a time machie, where do you want to go?

超能力:What is your superpower?what super power do you want to have?

补充内容:Is there anything else that you would like to add to help us know better about you?



面试结束的时候,招生官通常会问 Do you have any questions for me/us?


I saw the ***** program on your school website and I'm very interested in joining that program, where can I find more information about it?

Have you ever been to China? I wish you can visit my hometown someday and I would love to be your guide.

Can I ask for your name card or contact information in case I have more questions after this interview

结束时一定记得表达感谢, 并合影留念:

I am very glad to meet you today and thanks for your time, can we take a photo?

















  • 美国私立学校


  • 加拿大公立学校


  • 英国寄宿中学
